Wednesday 16 January 2013

corruption is killing the people in dumela

Social life is still a challenge to some people at Dumela in Malamulele

From right: Vyida Khosa, Nkhensani Maluleke and Shongile Makondo fetching water from a  local tap in Dumela, Malamulele.

By Ernest Mabasa -

A cry for water hits eleventh year in Dumela in Malamulele after water tender flopped. Water provision was great prior to the year 2000 in this place. Resident, N’wa Magezi said. After water pipelines were reconstructed to improve quality of distribution, water started to become a challenge in this small village.
Mrs Vyida Khosa “Water is problem ever since the tender failed because of shortage of money to complete the construction of pipes." she said
Lucky residents are those with boreholes water because they do not suffer from this challenge and sell water at a highly expensive charge. Residents in this place have water taps in their homes but with little water supply. 
Most memebers of the community have to wake up at about 04:00 am to go and fetch water in the nearest villages such as Muswana or Nhombelani. It takes at least 30 minutes for a water bottle to be filled. Nkhesnsani Maluleke said “I have a water tap in my home, problem is that every morning I find many people queuing for water because I live underneath a hill and water is provided a little bit better.”
A lot of the community members do not have money to buy water. Maria Mabasa said “I sometimes use social grant money to hire Donkies carts to fetch water in Muswani or Nhombelani. Each water bottle costs at least R3, 00.
Thomas Chuma said “Mr. Dumela, the headman, is corrupt and loves bribes from contractors he makes residents of the village to suffer by the results of his deeds.”
"The circuit is facing many internal problems such as bankcrupcy, not clearly sure of corruption with the circuit official. Jeremy Mthombeni, circuit spokesperson, said.
The headman Mr. Dumela “Urged residents to be calm because WATER will be transported by the water tank trucks.” The tender is now on halt because there is lack of money.
The contractor, Mr. Masenyani Mabasa was not available for comment. Malamulele police station’s spokesperson, Joseph Makamu said “The police are investigating this matter and promised to get lucrative information and report to the Dumela village residents.”  
RDP housing still big issue in Malamulele, Limpopo 

N’wa Hlangani Baloyi (Magogo): Gets into her hut to fetch water.

 By Ernest Mabasa -

A 78 year old Magogo lives alone in a poor leaking roundavel house in Dumela Village in Malamulele, Giyane. Magogo has been applying for an RDP house for the past 5 years. “The headman and royal council said I do not qualify because I live alone.” Mrs. Baloyi said desperatly.

She also said when ANC came into power in 1994 she felt happy and confident that they will get proper services in the area. Dumela Village is still amongst many in the country that do not have toilets or water. “The headman of this village is stupid and cannot run it in this manner” said Willie Mathebula one of the village residents. Since he started this post there has been corruption in this village and a lot of unhappy residents.

The community has accused Mr Dumela of being a croak. Ward 16 Councilor Connie Mashimbyi was not available for comment. Julius Maluleke spokesperson for Malamulela tribe said they are going to probe this matter until Gogo gets a proper RDP house prior the end of the year 2012.

 Malamulele town Pep Stores had given Magogo blankets after the heavy rainy season last year January. As for now Gogo cannot build her own house because she is dependent on Governments social grant money. The police are investigating a fraud case to help probe this matter. Meanwhile the community is assisting Gogo Baloyi with food parcels

New and fresh mobile classes burnt down

Students burnt down mobile classes at the Tshwane North College in their Soshanguve South Campus last month.

Ernest Mabasa

Angry Tshwane North College students burnt down four mobile classes last Friday, in their Soshanguve Campus in Block L. Their reasons are they did not recieve their meal cards from the National Students Financila Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

Students started the strike early Friday morning with concerns that the TNC management does not want to give them their meal cards.“We want the college to give us our money for food from NFSAS because we know that money is with management,” said student Boetman Mabasa.

Shuma Lucky said “We burnt the mobile classes because we want to show them that we are serious and hungry." The students showed no signs of remorse for damage of property despite their outcry being heard by management as they quickly responded by giving them their food allowance cards.

“We had been questioning this matter for the past three months that is why we do not regret of burning the mobile classes,” said SRC President Mulo Khimono.Former SRC President Jabulani Ntlemo said they have received their food allowance cards but are not yet activated. The College’s management Fannie Maila said “Meal cards will be activated within 72 hours working hours.”

Students who also live outside the campus are going to benefit from this aid, they will get R500.00 per month as well. “I am delighted because my parents buy me food monthly so I have to think what to do with it because I live outside Block L.” said Sipho Hlungwani. So far the situation has settled and students are back in class.

10....Q-base 28 presenter

Tshiamo Thebe


Lee Ann Leidenberg

8....Former Generations actress and a business woman

Sonia Sedibe

7.... MC, Presenter and climbing the corporate laddar

C.C Ravele

6....TV & Radio presenter

Minnie Dlamini

5.... Presenter

Boity Thulo

4...Media personality, MC, Fashionista

Bonang Matheba

3.....Top Billing Presenter

Lorna Maaseko


Amanda du-pont

1....Actress.... drum roll please !!!!

Terry Pheto

this is from twitter by Fanisa Nkuna

Ernest Mabasa's auto-biograhy

Ernest Mabasa upcoming journo till he dies. Its I, me and myself .

                                          Ernest Mabasa connects the mic in the Radio studio

byline- Ernest Eni Mabasa

Ernest Mabasa is 21 year young guy from Malamulele in Dumela village born in a family of 5 members three children. he is the second born following Hellen mabasa, last born is Hlulani Mabasa. The clan is huge consisting of about 30 members.
The Headman of this particular hamlet is Mr Dumela whose name is named the village as well. Ernest Eni Mabasa cannot live well without being a journo and beign a good broadcaster.

He is been studying ever since 1991 at his arrival to this planet. Every holidays given to students at tshwane university of technology, he goes home to refresh his mind with beautiful things which are in limpopo.


                                                           Board of the dumela village

Byline- Ernest Mabasa

This is where lots of people have good life without extenal interferences. the place of gold and all vital minerals. village where there is only peace and love amongst one another. i promise you do not want to go there, because you will start to hate your village very much for this village. we are relaxed under the leadership of Mr Dumela. it is surrounded by five poor villages Nhombelani, Muswane, Shigamana and Mulamula and Mkhomi.
Dirt made by students this morning.

byline-Ernest Mabasa

Education students at tshwane university of technology threw their general subject diadetics (GSD) pratical assignment after they had presented and received marks which most of  them failed. The students were asked to do this assignment  for the total grand of 100.
 frastruation made them to throw the assignments because they felt that they were treated badly by the lucturer and just pelted one another with it.
"I failed this assignment and decided to throw it away carelessly," said a student. The lucturer was not available for comment and the tshwane university of technology management is not informed with this matter.

vox pops about Mandela

How people feel about Mandela and what did they do for their 67 minutes on Mandela’s birthday?

1, Executive Monxanga, 38, hair stylist, 0834705113, Soshanguve block L.

“he was good leader and first black south african president.” “ he is one and only legendery man,” “i did not do anything because i am self employed so i need to put for on the table on a daily bases.”
2, MS Brenda Kgomo, 25, finance administrator, 0765679305, Soshanguve block L.

“ love only, we should embrace nelson mandela and not the mandala day as it sounds.” “we acknowledge his family instaed of utata himself.” We gave goddies to DR. George Mkhari hosptal, food and money.”

3,Thabo Nkosi, 32, treasurer, 0835842341, Soshanguve block L.

“he was a very good leader and sacrificed a lot for the nation, i real salute the old man.he is not a politician but icon.” “unfortunately i could not help because my car blasted its left wheel on my way to help at Garankuwa.”

4, Mbali Malinga, 21, TUT student, 07913096339, Soshanguve block H

“I do not have have feelings, he is not the only person who for us as black.” “ we can not commend him for ever, he is still alive and boring.” “People died but nothing is done to remember them.” “I did not do anything except boozing at Kwasa Grill.”

5, Aaron Modiba, 26, penel beater, 0766178996, Soshanguve block L.

“he is our hero and i am proud about him, He never disappoints. This time i
helped no one because i was working.”

6, Justice monareng, 37,pharmasist assistant, 082 5167336, Soshanguve block L.

“I love and trust in him, he our icon. I went to creche for opharns and little ones who are affected by HIV and AIDS. I cleaned the creche and washed their dishies.”

7, Sophia Mahlangu, 72, 0797600444, Soshanguve block H

“Lot of things changed because of him.” “During apartheid I was used to earn less now it has been increased.” “At different clinics, hospitals and schools there are improvements.” “I am literate now and feel like real African, I did not do anything because of age.”

8, Thabiso Molefe, 27.Architerchure, 0793166523 Mabopane Block BB

“I feel good about DR. Mandela 67 minutes are nothing compared to what he did for us. He struggled 67 years so that every person would live in South Africa freely.” “I did not do anything though because I was at work, there was no time.”

9, Kedibone Hleza, 60, 0790344764, unemployed, Soshanguve block H

“I feel good about Mandela.” “I went to Mpumzile primary school to do the painting and clean the garden and plant some vegetables as well.”

           Tsotsi and his gang raid the streets os Soweto

Byline- Ernest Mabasa

 The main actors in this movie are Mr.Presley Cheneyagae who plays the role of Tsotsi, Mr.Rapulana Seiphemo plays the role of MR.John Dube and very rich man, Terry pheto who plays the role of Miriam who is a widow, Mr.Kenneth Nkosi as Aap and Nambitha Mpulwana as Mr. John Dube’s wife and named Mrs.Pumla Dube.

In Johannesburg, a small time criminal, Tsotsi, is a teenager without feelings, hardened by his tough life. Tsotsi steals a BMW vehicle from Pumla after shooting her and later finds out that there is a toddler at the back seat of the car. He struggles to feed the toddler until he realizes that Miriam has a toddler too. He went to her house and point gun at her to feed the stolen toddler.

Miriam got used to feed that child and asked him to keep the child while he is gone. After that they had an accord which stated she must not tell anyone or she dies. Tsotsi hustled money to pay her. Because Pumla was shot, she got better and discharged. One day after John Dube has put Pumla on the bed. He got a gate call from anonymous person saying I leave it here. Mr.Dube recognizes the voice, security called the police. He and Pumla went to the gate to fetch the child. As they got to the police also arrived. Mr. Dube promised Tsotsi not to do anything to him and police dropped their guns. He gave the child to Pumla and raised his hands.

The theme of the movie is to teach and advise all people to stay away from bad things such as killing and being notorious. This is because being notorious does not reap person fruits but bad name. People should focus on doing good things.
The audience would be every person who loves action movies. People who want to know more about thug life and results. Even teenagers may be audience of this movie because it does not have pornography motions.
My opinion of the movie would be it was well directed because it was interesting when Tsotsi pointed gun at Miriam, it seemed as he would pull the trigger but he did not. The awful part was when Tsotsi persecuted old man on man-made wheel chair

I would rate this movie eight of ten because the start was completed that a man got slain for nothing. The quality of visual and sounds are good because even when it was rain hailing pictures and sounds were good. They used music of then time whish is good.

I am Mr. Ernest Mabasa born in Limpopo, Malamulele in 16 September 1991. I am born in a family of twenty seven members. I started schooling in 1996 at Mulamula primary school and completed grade twelve in 2010. I faced many challenges that built me such as mother of Cancer in 2008. I love very much to talk with many different people in the world. Now I am doing journalism in Tshwane University of Technology.

Collector of treasures and villages tales ( Book review)

About the author

Bessie head, one of Africa’s best –known women writers was born in South Africa in 1937, the result of an ‘illicit’ union between a black man and a white woman. Her life was a traumatic one, and she drew heavily upon her own personal experiences for novels. She went to a foster family until she was 13 years old, and then a mission school before training as a teacher. After a few years teaching she left to work as a journalist for golden city post, a drum publication, but an unsuccessful marriage and her involvement in the trial of a friend led her to apply for another teaching post, in Botswana, where she took up permanent exile. She remained there, with the precarious status of refugee for 15 years prior she gained citizenship in 1979, and it was in Botswana that Bessie Head died tragically early, aged 49, in 1986. Botswana is the backdrop for all three of her, based outstanding novels.

When rain clouds gather, her first novel, based on her time as refugee living at the Bamangwato development farm, was published in 1969. This was followed by maru1971 and her instance and powerful autobiographical work A question of power1973. The collectors of the treasures 1977 was her first collection of short stories, followed in 1981 by Serowe: village of the rain wind, a skilful and original historical portrait of 100 years of the Botswana community, reconstructed through the words of different members of the village, and a bewitched crossroad, which appeared in 1984.A woman alone 1990, a collection of Bessie Head’s autobiographical writings, and tales of tenderness and power 1990, a moving selection of famous and previously unpublished works , have been published posthumously. All her works (except for a bewitched crossroad) are available in the Heinemann Africa writers’ series

Condensed summary of when rain clouds gather

When rain clouds gather is a very good short is about Sebembele who was a ruler of a place called Monemapee.he is a good ruler, even some people were very happy to be ruled by him. Within the story there were two groups who did not approve each other. They differed in their thoughts. This was because Sebembele had a love affair with Rakwana who had child called Makobi. Councillors and junior brothers of Sebembele wanted him to think not and not to be influenced by a woman. They wanted him to renounce Rakwana and the child. This was a gigantic problem. Sebembele did not know what he can do. He loved Rakwana .this even affected the position of chieftaincy. Theproblem thatSebembele faced was that was that Rakwana had a child that was not of Sebembele.

This means that the child could get a chance of becoming a ruler of the village. Some people did not see any trouble with this and advocated it. For Sebembele to maintain this position he had to lay to the community that Makobi was young brother to Ntema and Mosemme. Throughout these times he knew it that he has no limits of marrying wives. The problem was that he loved Rakwana nothing else. Mosemme and Ntema and councillors were saying that there was no ruler who would be influenced by a woman. Sebembele desperately came to decision. This was after councillors and his junior brothers’ orchestrated Rakwana a husband in a secreted place. Sebembele in a certain morning walked throughstreets of the town to Rakwana’s father until to the house where rakwana and her husband were been. He took rakwana and child. After that he lost everything even the Rulership.

Sebembele and the other camp that advocated himwere removed from Monemapee to Bomangwato. They all packed their belongings and left Monemapee to southwards in Bomangwato. Makobi who was a child of Sebembele was named to as Talaote, to commemorate their removal from the kingdom of Monemapee. Soma old men still shook their heads for they were removed because of a woman and the ruler. They believed that women were troubles in the world. Junior brothers took over the ruler ship as one voice.

The purpose or audience of the book

Audience of the book would differ from one short story to another. For these stories are different in their themes. They are for everyone who enjoys romanticised and fictionalised stories. Some of short stories in this book are from the history of Botswana in the late 1800. They are similar to televised documentaries. People who are willing to know more about the history of Botaloate tribe of Botswana can get enough information.

My first reaction and evaluation

I was astounded and amazed on how Bessie Head wrote this story. It is very good and stunning. She wrote this book very well that it flows from the scratch to the very well there are no complexity. It is as real things happening. The story shows reasonable deeds from the king and the junior brothers. I managed to fine my evaluation very easy. The way it ended made me realise how to deal with challenges.

Background information.

This short story is very good and logical. It flows good and with no complexity or hidden clauses. Everything is spelt outs that very person may understand the story. Unlike some short stories and books such as The boy form other side, no-man’ was not good written and sometimes I found wrong spelling.

Summary of the main point of the short story

• “I do not know what can I do”, this was the time at which Sebembele had to take decision whether to renounce Rakwana with the child. He did not know what to do because it eradicated his position as a ruler of the village. He loved her only and still knew that he chance to marry as much as he wants.

• Sebembele in the morning walking with Makobi in his arm to Rakwana’s father and to the house where Rakwana was hidden in with the orchestrated husband. He took his decision which was to marry Rakwana. He decided to lose everything.

• “All right you can go”. This the time where Sebembele and the group that advocated him got removed from Monamepee to anywhere in the southwards. They went to Bamangwato.

How well has the book achieved its goal?

The goal of the book is being achieved very well that I saw the way the author used Sebembele as a ruler who had responsibilities and independent. I saw that the author got it right that the ruler suffered the consequences of the decision he made.

What is the possibility book?

The possibility of the story is that Sebembeleto be very responsible for all his deeds. He did what he thought was the best for him and Rakwana and child even some of the people. Life continued even if he lost the rulership.

What has the book left out?

This short story is good but it left some of things. The author did not write anything about the life after Sebembele and his people were removed from Monamepee. Even the life of the two junior brothers after they removed their brother I do not read anything or reforms. The author did not take into consideration the other group of people that remain in Monamepee.

Condensed summary of looking for a rain god

This short story is about a village called kgotla where there was a seven year drought from 1958. Before 1958 people living there had a very good life that rain was falling very well. People could dig water while they were in their lands. Children could eat fig and any berries that would be in season. From 1958 rain started to be very scarce and it led to lack of food. The animals died from lack of good green pastures. People could not plough for there was no rain. Trees were dry and hard and land was dusty. People suffered from different illnesses and malnutrition.

One day an old man known as Mokgobja came with an ancient memory that he witness while he was young. This was because people were dying every day. There only people that survived this hunger were charlatans, incanters and witchdoctorsfor they were pay to talismans and herbs to rub on the plough for the crops to grow and rain to fall. Mokgobja also wanted rain as much as others. He remembered how ancestors’ rain making ceremony was conducted but he did not remember vividly. Him and Ramadi killed two little girls and buried them in the lands. Late police found out and incarcerated Mokgobja and Ramadi for ritual murder. They were sentenced to life. Rain never fell even after the ritual murder of the two girls. It became worse that men went out of their families to commit suicide and hung themselves.
The purpose or audience of the story

This short story is for everybody who wants to know when to persist during tough gives any reader a better understanding of the drought that took place late in the 1950s. This story depicts two different times of life which would be tough and good times where things were very good.

My first reaction and evaluation

This short story is very stunning that all of everything in the story is real that even today, people are still doing this kind of thing for example some parents kill their children of flesh for money. This story is very good. Children are still been killed for ritual motives.

The background of the short story

This story compared to what I have read s very good. It is real because some short stories are factious that we do not whether it will take place or not. This is real mostly to black people or devils. The other short story that I read is village of the rain wind.

Summary of the main point of the short story

• “They experienced all kinds of things once they left the village”, this was the time at which everything was there from figs to berries. The bush was like a jungle people enjoyed themselves.

• From 1958 a seven year drought, now it is the commencement of the drought where people started to suffer from hunger as an outcome of lack of rain. All this led to food inflation.

• “Rain making ceremony”, this led to death of two young girls because of Mokgobjawho did not remember well because of Christianity. This made him not do the ceremony very good. He killed the two little girls with his son Ramadi. They went to jail after the police found out.

How well has the book achieved its goal?

The book in this story has achieved the very well that its aim is to educate people to persist in hard times. It shows the start of the life before drought comes to suck all water in the lands. Usually people who commit ritual murder come out to be innocent but here I read justice that is needed in South Africa.

What is the possibility book?

The possibility would be that the murders were incarcerated after the police found out. This needs to be done to every person who kills another will give people better understanding.

What has the book left out?

I thing had not realised that its people that complained about the disappearance of the two little girls. This is because after Mokgobja and Ramdi were sentenced to life in prisonI read nothing from the people living in the village.

In the collector of treasures there are 21 short stories, and I read five short stories. Then I reviewed two short stories of the best short stories. The stories in this book are about life in the daily basis. The author wrote all the stories very well.
Ernest waka Mabasa AKA Eni

The SABC Succeeds in achieving its values and mission


Munghana Lonene FM, or MLFM, is a Tsonga language radio station broadcasting at 89.4-103.2 MHz in South Africa. In English, "Munghana Lonene" means "my true friend." Munghana Lonene FM is geared to listeners who understand Xi-Tsonga-Xinchangana.

MLFM is branded as an "infotainment" radio station with a 50% split of music and talk. It offers an interactive environment with its listeners, providing a mixture of news, music, current affairs, talk shows, education, sport, weather and traffic. The music repertoire consists of Jazz, R&B, Kwaito, House, Gospel music and African music. MLFM's broadcast area includes Gauteng, Limpopo, and eastern Mpumalanga.

.Munghana Lonene FM has an average of 925 000 listeners per day and broadcasts in Xitsonga The station has been positioned to reach audiences within the LSM 4-8, 25-49 year-old market living in Metropolitan and rural African communities.

Radio establishment: the SABC was established by an Act of Parliament in 1936 taking over from the African Broadcasting Company which had been responsible for some of the first radio broadcasts in South Africa in the 1920s. The SABC established services in what were then the country's official languages, English and Afrikaans, with broadcasts in ethnic languages such as Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho and Tswana following later.

In 1996, the SABC and its services were restructured to better serve and reflect the fresh democratic society of post-1994 South Africa – moth-balling many Afrikaans language programmes.

SABC to encourage the development of South African expression by providing, in the official languages, a wide range of programming that:

• Reflects South African attitudes, opinions, ideas, values and artistic creativity

• Displays South African talent in educational and entertaining programmes

• Offers a plurality of views and a variety of news, information and analysis from a South African point of view.

• Advances the national and public interest. The SABC's powers and functions, as well as its rights and obligations, are derived from a number of sources: legislation, the Charter, the licence conditions of each SABC station and channel, and regulations issued by ICASA from time to time, including the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters set by the BCCSA.

The SABC has mission, values and vision, which all 18 radio stations are bound to follow or meet. This means all the station should have good presenters and equipments to attain these three aspects.


Broadcasting for Total Citizen Empowerment


To be a:

• People centred

• Content driven

• Technology enabled

• Strategically focussed

• Sustainable Public Service Broadcaster


• Conversations and Partnerships

• Restoration and Dignity

• Building a Common Future.

Under vision Munghana lonene fm broadcasts for total citizen empowerment and has programmes that empower people. These programmes can empower educationally, or based on real general life and raising children. Some of these programmes are Gingirakani and Tidyonzo.

With mission here Munghana Lonene fm is people centred; it presents news and entertainment which is accurate to the listeners. This news and entertainment may suitable for old people, youth and/or for children. These programmes are called Pfukani, Tiko a xietleli and Vatshwa va hleva. Pfukani which deals with children, it does this by offering children‘s debate about safe playing and way to choose right pals.

For old people there is Tiko a Xietleli, which is the current affairs programme. This programme offers News bulletins, Weather, Mozambique news update, financial indicators, actuality and Sport update.

. It is very much informative because they present status quo news. This programme is also good time slot because it plays at the prime time which is 18:00pm to 19:00pm.

Vansthwa va hleva is a programme typically for youth because it is about love life. This programme discusses STIs (sexual transmitted infections), love and education, university life, management of family and other related matters.

Content driven, it is content driven because it plays music at the correct time for correct people for ta Xitsonga on Wednesday and Saturday. They play this music on mid week for old people and for unemployed young people. Saturday for students and workers who will be on weekend by then time.

Technology enabled

PHOTO: DJ Brian at studio. from

The RBF (radio broadcast facilities) it has good and adequate facilities.Listeners may listen to the station online which means even if a person is in china, USA, Britain you may still listen to it. MLFM has web site which is

In most of the programmes presenters read the tweets, Facebook comments and E-mail messages. Programmes such Phaphama, Mphensamhpensa, Dzumba na mina and Tiko a xietleli have these electronic channels. The problem can be that listeners do send their view points and sometimes birth day wishes but presenter does not read it.

Strategically focussed, Munghana Lonene fm is focussed because the overall aim is to build peaceful united Republic of South Africa.

SABC also aimed at earning value to the people and the station.


Conversations and partnerships gives value to the people SABC station and may be garnered the conversations and partnership. This can be done in different tactics. Radio programme is one of the vital aspects because that is where people meet and talk about beneficial things or matters. Munghana Lonene has Afrika wa Vulavula as programme to meet this value. This is good because when people engage in a confabulation, they start to help one another, sometimes without knowing that they are helping. Limpopo combo is one of the partners with munghana lonene. Greater Giyani municipality is as well partner with MLFM.

Restoration and dignity, at Munghana Lonene fm Ripfumelo ra Dzavuko gives time to young people to comprehend dignity which Tsonga people and any one should be treated with. Other tribes know Tsonga people as respectful and politeness because of this program. Human Dignity the SABC Munghana Lonene fm respects the inherent dignity of all South Africans, reflects them in all their diversity, and does not use language or images that convey stereotypical or prejudiced notions of South Africa’s races, cultures and sexes.

Building a common future; phofula is great epitome for this aspect, this is because concerned people about their families call the presenter and tell him their problem, and then he reads it on air. People start to call and suggest possible solutions to the matter or problem. This may be good or bad because it may as well teach people to destroy people’s families. For example topic bad is to heat on your wife or husband. Some people may find ways to destroy their families.

Succeeds in achieving its values and mission

SABC does achieve its values and mission because Munghana lonene fm has qualities such as integrity, transparency and human dignity it gives to Tsonga people. It succeeds because The SABC revenues money that they use to improve and compete against commercial radio station such as Cape talk 567 and 702.


Introduction to communication
Devastating water pipe blast in Mamelodi

Residents taking their shack wall into a truck to Eerstefabrieke

By Ernest Mabasa

Phomolong residents to relocate to Eerstefabrieke after fatal water pipe explosion at night on Sunday 19, leaving two toddlers dead.

The residents will live the rest of their lives in Eerstefabrieke, where they will get permanent stands with interim electricity, water and rest rooms. The Tshwane municipality removed the residents, “I am providing plastic bags so that they will put their wet goods while they are packing the remaining,” said municipality volunteer Beauty Mapuleng Msiza.

Over 90 shacks were damaged by this harsh explosion. Over 150 families were removed; the place will remain unoccupied since it is unsafe.

Early next year the RDP houses will be built as part of the development of Eerstefabrieke “I am happy and feel safe that I will get RDP house soon,” said Phomolong resident Joyce Mathibela.

The deceased toddlers Mashie Mathosi (4 months) and Tintswalo Sekele (3 years) are to be buried on Saturday at merball hall cemetery. Tintswalo sekele was a pupil at Mamelodi Day Care Center. “I feel very bad because it is a detrimental thing my pupil is dead and number has decreased.” “I was used to family because of Tintswalo Sekele,” said crèche manager Letty Mkhatshwai.

The residents have started with building shacks for shelter .

The show your shine Nugget promotion


The nugget company had a successful polish promotion at the Delyn complex in Mamelodi West on Saturday afternoon.

“The Nugget show your shine promotion gives the company better or good name and reputation, this is because people start to recognise how strong is Nugget as polish,” Kagiso Kelalo, representative of Nugget company.

Prize to be won was between R10 and R100 at most “It is very interesting show but they robed I was supposed to win but they stepped me out,” Dekeleti Mogong dancer. The winner also criticised the promotional show “I won indeed however it is stupidity to win R30.00, it would be better if I won at least half prize,” Duncan Ditshebo.

“The nugget promotional show commenced on the 5th August 2012 in Johannesburg at Maponya mall and will end with the in Pretoria city,” Pieter Van bergh.