Wednesday 16 January 2013

corruption is killing the people in dumela

Social life is still a challenge to some people at Dumela in Malamulele

From right: Vyida Khosa, Nkhensani Maluleke and Shongile Makondo fetching water from a  local tap in Dumela, Malamulele.

By Ernest Mabasa -

A cry for water hits eleventh year in Dumela in Malamulele after water tender flopped. Water provision was great prior to the year 2000 in this place. Resident, N’wa Magezi said. After water pipelines were reconstructed to improve quality of distribution, water started to become a challenge in this small village.
Mrs Vyida Khosa “Water is problem ever since the tender failed because of shortage of money to complete the construction of pipes." she said
Lucky residents are those with boreholes water because they do not suffer from this challenge and sell water at a highly expensive charge. Residents in this place have water taps in their homes but with little water supply. 
Most memebers of the community have to wake up at about 04:00 am to go and fetch water in the nearest villages such as Muswana or Nhombelani. It takes at least 30 minutes for a water bottle to be filled. Nkhesnsani Maluleke said “I have a water tap in my home, problem is that every morning I find many people queuing for water because I live underneath a hill and water is provided a little bit better.”
A lot of the community members do not have money to buy water. Maria Mabasa said “I sometimes use social grant money to hire Donkies carts to fetch water in Muswani or Nhombelani. Each water bottle costs at least R3, 00.
Thomas Chuma said “Mr. Dumela, the headman, is corrupt and loves bribes from contractors he makes residents of the village to suffer by the results of his deeds.”
"The circuit is facing many internal problems such as bankcrupcy, not clearly sure of corruption with the circuit official. Jeremy Mthombeni, circuit spokesperson, said.
The headman Mr. Dumela “Urged residents to be calm because WATER will be transported by the water tank trucks.” The tender is now on halt because there is lack of money.
The contractor, Mr. Masenyani Mabasa was not available for comment. Malamulele police station’s spokesperson, Joseph Makamu said “The police are investigating this matter and promised to get lucrative information and report to the Dumela village residents.”  

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