Tuesday 26 February 2013

The 2012 tenth Munghana Lonene fm annual xitsonga awards are here

By-line Ernest waka Mabasa

Well hosted by Sydney Baloyi The tenth 2012 Xitsonga MLfm annual awards was launch yesterday arvo Xitsonga Music Awards Launch at SABC Radio park M1 studio in Johannesburg. The 2012 mlfm awards' theme is "ku duma tinjamba na wena wa titwa." First category to compete is best Xitsonga album.

These awards started in 2002 with only three categories, gospel song, best male and song of the year. now with twelve categories ranging from best new comer, live recorded gospel song to most popular song of the year. this launch started at 12:00 pm to 15:00 pm.

Among categories there is best duo or group Mayanda, Thomas Chauke,Benny Mayengani, Prince Rhangani and Joe Shirimani na vana va ndodha. the last category is Song of the year also known as Most Popular song of the year the nominees for this category are A. Gezani Thomas Mzamani - Xikave-kave, B. Joe Shirimane na Vana va Ndoda – Banana,C. Snombelani Sisters – Xitokofela xa rifu, D. Prince Rhangane – Phelindaba, E. Dr. Thomas Chauke na Shinyori Sisters – Dokodela, F. Forget Makhahlele – Ndhuna-nkulu, G. Comrade Xigevenga – Xidumbu xita Hlupheka, H. General Muzka – Mali, I. Benny Mayengani – Misava yima ni chika

It will be hosted on the third of november. Venue of the awards will be at Letsitele where on the eve day to awards winning occassion, top five artists will go to Letsitele and campang for thier lasy time.

Putco bus commuters lambaste service


Scores of clients wait for the bus at Mabopane station.

Soshanguve putco bus commutershave criticised the poor service they were receiving at Mabopane station.

Mmamakele Matlala, a bus commuter, said: “They do not treat their loyal clients. Buses are always late.”

Various commuters told Rekord that buses leaked when it rained.


One of the Putco bus company officials at Mabopane who wanted to remain anonymous said: “It is true buses leak and they do not arrive on time sometime, because we do not have enough buses to cater all the commuters at this point.

We reported this issue to management and so far they have done nothing.” Dianah Mashigo, a resident of Block P, said that they had to carry umbrellas in the bus because it leaked.


The commuters buy weekly and monthly tickets but this did not guarantee the use of the bus regularly. “We find it very pathetic to buy weekly and monthly tickets and buses do not even come. We are forced to use pocket money to take Venture taxis to home while we have bought our weekly or monthly tickets, said, Millicent Kovane.”

 In the morning 15th February, there are no buses from Soshanguve Block MM to Mabopane. Buses did not always reach Block MM and the buses sometimes stopped at Block P while people are going to Block R,” Kovane said.

Employers threatened to fire their employees because they arrive at work late. Marriam Nhlapo, a client and resident, said: “The transport service is poor that people from Sonoville and other suburbs fill the buses and we get to work late. Our employers threaten to fire us.”


Nelly Baloyi, a bus commuter, told Rekord that it was possible for the commuters to queue for the bus for three hours mostly on Thursday and Friday mornings. Rekord called the Putco bus company for comment and phones were out of order.



Massive strike takes on in Soshanguve Bblock AA

Zinto Mwka stands in the middle

 of the smoke from tyres during

strike at Block AA


Ernest Mabasa

Scores of Soshanguve Block AA residents burn tyres as a strike for electricity instability goes on Monday afternoon.

Oupa Jaca, resident of block AA said to Rekord: “every week we cry about electricity. When we call the municipality they say they have noticed the problem but they do not act. We are suffering here because it is a location because if it were a suburb they could have fixed this long time ago. We are tired about them.”

It is said that electricity may switch off at around 13h00 pm and later it switches on “all the time electricity switches off in our ward and ward 33. It switches on and off many times a day but they lie to us and say cable has been stolen by the Izinyokas at block CC,” said Dumisani Hlapo.

During the strike electricity switched on and it was fool’s paradise because the strike stopped but 30 minutes later it switched off at Block AA Stroke one only. Zinto Mwka, a resident said: “they do this to us all the times. We knew it that something like this is going to happen.”

The electricity tobacco affects even students of block AA “it is boring to wake up and bath in the morning because I have to use cold water which is something difficult to do. When I get into school they return us home because we have not ironed our uniforms. We cannot iron because of electricity,” said Themba Mthimunye, student at Sosh Tech.

 Kgaugelo Masilela also student at Sosh Tech, said: “I was studying because it was on but now that it’s gone again I can study and I am writing a test tomorrow. This is not a good life to live in a democratic country like South Africa.
Soshanguve Block AA is dark and most of the businesses have stopped as well because this issue. The chairman of the African national congress in the ward said that electricity cable was stolen at Block CC at Sub Station.

Thoko Lusenga, a resident and business person of Block AA, said: “I bought chickens to braai as it is my business now they have rotten because electricity is no more here. They lie to say it is cable theft. Our ward councillor is not doing anything good for the people.” 
The residents of Block AA Stroke one resumed the strike because they did not understand how come it switches off on their side while Block AA Stroke two did not. Few minutes’ later electricity was back at homes.
Councillor, Emily nkosi said that she will have a meeting with the residents on Sunday morning at ikhwezi Lethemba primary school and insisted that it is because of cable theft.

Stinkwater United FC takes on Tsala FC

                    Solly boshomane (Stinkwater united FC) beat thabo lebele(tsala FC)

Stinkwater united fc beat tsala fc three goals to two in the super league game at giant stadium on Sunday.

The game started at 09h00 in the morning under scorching sun. It started with some chances to score. Bongani, middle fielder of tsala fc scored a fantastic and first goal of the match at the 23th minute. United came back with a bang and three minutes later thabo maluleke, striker of stinkwater united fc scored  an equalizing goal.

 After few minutes siphon mathebula, stinkwater united middle fielder, was denie a goal from a penalty spot by tsala fc goalkeeper, koketso chabalala. Apenlty was given to stinkwater united because of the foul by tsala’s defender.  Just before half time, potsho sekwele, left wing of tsala fc scored the second goal for tsala. They went to half time and to take some advices from their coaches.

Solly boshomane registered his brace immediately after the half time. Tsala fc tried to get themselves a goal when Johannes mashau, central middle fielder struck a shot to hit a cross bar. Innocent mngomezulu, middle fielder scored the third and winning goal for stinkwater united fc.
Tshepo kekani tsala fc, coach, said: “we have created lot of chances and could not finish them. Our defence was poor and they could not think. I am not happy with the play from my team.”
On the side the victorious and delighted stinkwater united fc coach, lucas phelwane, said: “we missed some chances. The substitutes made difference. My players are bit old guns, well done to the boys.”