Tuesday 26 February 2013

Massive strike takes on in Soshanguve Bblock AA

Zinto Mwka stands in the middle

 of the smoke from tyres during

strike at Block AA


Ernest Mabasa

Scores of Soshanguve Block AA residents burn tyres as a strike for electricity instability goes on Monday afternoon.

Oupa Jaca, resident of block AA said to Rekord: “every week we cry about electricity. When we call the municipality they say they have noticed the problem but they do not act. We are suffering here because it is a location because if it were a suburb they could have fixed this long time ago. We are tired about them.”

It is said that electricity may switch off at around 13h00 pm and later it switches on “all the time electricity switches off in our ward and ward 33. It switches on and off many times a day but they lie to us and say cable has been stolen by the Izinyokas at block CC,” said Dumisani Hlapo.

During the strike electricity switched on and it was fool’s paradise because the strike stopped but 30 minutes later it switched off at Block AA Stroke one only. Zinto Mwka, a resident said: “they do this to us all the times. We knew it that something like this is going to happen.”

The electricity tobacco affects even students of block AA “it is boring to wake up and bath in the morning because I have to use cold water which is something difficult to do. When I get into school they return us home because we have not ironed our uniforms. We cannot iron because of electricity,” said Themba Mthimunye, student at Sosh Tech.

 Kgaugelo Masilela also student at Sosh Tech, said: “I was studying because it was on but now that it’s gone again I can study and I am writing a test tomorrow. This is not a good life to live in a democratic country like South Africa.
Soshanguve Block AA is dark and most of the businesses have stopped as well because this issue. The chairman of the African national congress in the ward said that electricity cable was stolen at Block CC at Sub Station.

Thoko Lusenga, a resident and business person of Block AA, said: “I bought chickens to braai as it is my business now they have rotten because electricity is no more here. They lie to say it is cable theft. Our ward councillor is not doing anything good for the people.” 
The residents of Block AA Stroke one resumed the strike because they did not understand how come it switches off on their side while Block AA Stroke two did not. Few minutes’ later electricity was back at homes.
Councillor, Emily nkosi said that she will have a meeting with the residents on Sunday morning at ikhwezi Lethemba primary school and insisted that it is because of cable theft.

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