Wednesday 16 January 2013

Ernest Mabasa's auto-biograhy

Ernest Mabasa upcoming journo till he dies. Its I, me and myself .

                                          Ernest Mabasa connects the mic in the Radio studio

byline- Ernest Eni Mabasa

Ernest Mabasa is 21 year young guy from Malamulele in Dumela village born in a family of 5 members three children. he is the second born following Hellen mabasa, last born is Hlulani Mabasa. The clan is huge consisting of about 30 members.
The Headman of this particular hamlet is Mr Dumela whose name is named the village as well. Ernest Eni Mabasa cannot live well without being a journo and beign a good broadcaster.

He is been studying ever since 1991 at his arrival to this planet. Every holidays given to students at tshwane university of technology, he goes home to refresh his mind with beautiful things which are in limpopo.

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