Wednesday 16 January 2013

The show your shine Nugget promotion


The nugget company had a successful polish promotion at the Delyn complex in Mamelodi West on Saturday afternoon.

“The Nugget show your shine promotion gives the company better or good name and reputation, this is because people start to recognise how strong is Nugget as polish,” Kagiso Kelalo, representative of Nugget company.

Prize to be won was between R10 and R100 at most “It is very interesting show but they robed I was supposed to win but they stepped me out,” Dekeleti Mogong dancer. The winner also criticised the promotional show “I won indeed however it is stupidity to win R30.00, it would be better if I won at least half prize,” Duncan Ditshebo.

“The nugget promotional show commenced on the 5th August 2012 in Johannesburg at Maponya mall and will end with the in Pretoria city,” Pieter Van bergh.

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