Tuesday 5 August 2014

Fun Fitness Gym 4 All Club needs sponsorship


They debuted competition arena with winning a bronze medal and then added up by silver, this year they have won gold and it takes them to Czech Republic.

Atteridgeville based Fun Fitness Gym 4 All Club won the South Africa Sports Aerobics and Fitness Championships in Cape Town two months ago, to earn the right to participate in the (FISAFF) Sports Aerobics and Fitness World Championships.

Having to win bronze in 2012, the eight member club saw that as a sign that if they put more effort to it, they could get a chance to compete internationally. Through being hard at practice, the club clinched two gold medals in June and Coach James Sebolai is delighted.

 “I identified talent in these members in 2008 at Motheong Primary School and I trained them. In 2012 I saw that they were fit to compete and then I formalized a team.  We went to Cape Town and won our first medal and last year we went to Kimberley and won silver. This year we went Cape Town again and we came first,” he said.

“It has been a long successful journey for us. We had experience and exposure. They started with bronze and added with silver and now we have gold medal in Cadat Fitness team which consists of eight members and Cadet Small team which has five,” said James, who is very happy to go to Prague.

“It is our first competition in international category because last year their finished at the national level. This year because of improvement and hard work, time and energy, I entered into the international category. To my surprise I thought I was preparing them for next year but they were good enough to Qualify for this year. That is how they got selected to go represent South Africa,” he said.

Team captain Reneilwe Lehong (12) has been looking forward to competing internationally. She says she is happy since it will be her first fly overseas. They will be boarding a flight on October, 19.

 “I chose Aerobics because this is a sport I can do well in and it’s a team sport. I ask anyone to help us because if the day comes and we do not go I will feel very sad, because when we won in Cape Town, we were looking forward to this (Sports Aerobics and Fitness World Champions in Czech Republic),” Lehong said.

When other children face hunger and poverty, these face financial challenges since they are from historically disadvantaged families. They are looking for sponsorship to fund them. The competition will take place from October 21-25 and the team will need at least R18, 000 each for flight, food and accommodation.

Any sponsor that would like to come forward and help fund the girls’ trip to  the Czech Republic please call the team caoch James Sebolai on 0843138261.

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