Tuesday 10 June 2014

                                                           Lambley does it for team


Saint Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls Hockey left forward Madeleine Lambley walked tall and received compliments, hugs, big smiles and cheek kisses from her mates for her first and winning goal she scored.

Lambley debuted her Hockey Second Division season just a game away from the end of it for her side. She went in as substitute in the second half of the game. The game that showed no hunger for goals went to half time zero at both sides but at the second half the game changer Lambley scored a goal that saw the home side lead Hoërskool Overkruin three minutes before the game ended.

Saint Mary has only one game left and probably the second game for Lambley who was top notch at her last game against Overkruin on Friday. Her school put pressure to the visitors until they managed to score. “I am very delighted but credit should be to the whole team. As a team, everyone wanted to win this game it very important to us to win matches.  We train very hard. I was in for 30 minutes of this game and it feels great,” she said.

Saint Mary’s coach Mathew Pickening was speechless to see his school win the match at the eleventh hour and he trusts that his school was much better and deserved to come out victorious. “We put ourselves under pressure and doing so was putting the opponents under pressure from us as well. We utilised that short corner eventually. We finished off well and we decided to win and a win is a win,” said coach Pickening who was also preparing for the next and last game in the 2014 Hockey second division season.

“in the next game which is the last one we are going to prepare ourselves mentally so that we can stay focused through out the game. We have all the skills to win every game we play,” he said.

Overkruin has finished off their season with a lose and will wait until next year to play in the league. Coach Nadine dames picked the points which she saw her school leaked and led to the goal. “We leaked a bit at the back. We did not use our opportunities that we had and we lost the game in the last three minutes. It is our last game and to end this way is not fun, “she said

But coach promises that next season will be much better since she will have some players from her under sixteen hockey squad to first team “for next year we have seven players coming from grade eleven players who will replace the current grade twelve students,” she said.

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